Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Pretty Things

In my last post, I talked about how I enjoyed the simple things in life.  The pretty, bright things that simply put a smile on my face and literally make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.  Recently, I decided to take up that whole "work out" thing.  I will not divulge in detail what I do 3-4 times per week because I know there are beasts out there that literally hit the gym for two hours every single day (kudos to you).  That's not me.  The fact that I'm actually attempting to better myself in this department is a big step for me.  Why, you ask?  Because I'm lazy.  There, I said it.  I'm not one to sugar coat the truth, I'm 100% good with telling it like it is.  If it comes down to taking 30 minutes to; read, sleep, lay around, eat snacks, do dishes, laundry OR hop on the treadmill-10/10 times, I'll choose anything but that black conveyor belt of doom.  BUT, I'm trying to change my ways.  I say "trying" because there's a really good chance I'll fail and give up.  And that folks, is reality.  The reason I'm telling you all of this is because I'm a very visual person.  For someone, like me, that has a hard time getting motivated to do something, such as working out, having a little something to look at really puts some pep in my step.  So behold, my "workout" area:
Yep.  Be. Jealous.  Here you see a treadmill folded up in the corner next to the train table.
With the help of some 3M command hooks, my pretty tennies, some fun things I've accumulated over the past few years (you know those things that you either purchase or get as a gift and aren't sure what you're going to do with it, but it makes you happy?), I came up with this...

Smack dab in front of my strollingmill.  This gives me something to look at and think about when I'm not thinking of the burn that's happening in my lower extremities.  Thanks to some friends of mine (SG, AV) I've been provided some pretty stellar eye candy in the gallery wall kind of way.  The 'inspire' painting is a masterpiece work of art that was provided by...me.  Yes, I did one of those canvas deals where you drink and paint...while I admit, it's not something I'd choose to do often, it was fun with the ladies I went with (LK, MS, HL...not a word ladies, you know what I mean).  I threw a nice candid shot of mi familia on the cork pin board, as well as a sweet card from a dear friend of mine, and a laminated 4 leaf clover that I received my senior year of high school from a fellow teammate (EH), I've kept it all these years (not that I'm THAT old) because it made me happy.  And don't forget the 12 week challenge I have taped up there.  It's really simple, fun, colorful, bright and happy things (to me) that give me that push to get my ass on that monster machine.

Here are a few other things I have that just looking at makes me happy:

I would have also included a photo of my amazingly beautiful hubby and littles, but I'm going to save those for myself.

Over time, I'm sure my workout gallery wall will have new additions.  But in the meantime, I'm enjoying the happiness it brings to my wellness time.  I hope you all have a little something in your everyday life that makes you happy or puts that little pep in your step.  Until next time...

Side Note:  Nott eduiting/prof reeding-strange, I know.
Side Note II:  Due to my hubby complaining that I shouldn't microwave leftovers with the lids on (we only use glass Pyrex storage), he will be receiving 12 new lids (in varying sizes) for Valentines Day.  I'm a romantic.  Shhh, it's a secret.
Side Note III:  Goulash for dinner.  Um, yum.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Valentine's Centerpiece DIY

I'm in the mood to blog.  It's been a while, not to mention I haven't done anything spectacular lately that would be blog worthy.  But, I feel as though some of you may be like me and enjoy the simple things in life.  Something as simple as a centerpiece makes me happy.  Crazy?  Maybe.  Having that little bit of pretty in my life really makes all the difference.  Especially when you live in the Midwest and it seems like the sun has decided to take a vacay when we need it most.  Why not go to a tanning bed or take Vitamin D pills...well, for me, a pop of color and fun make all the difference in brightening up the blahs.  Time for the onslaught of photos:

My table sans centerpiece...
This is a stand I made two years ago out of an XL terracotta planter base, and an upside down XS terracotta planter.  Purchased at my local Lowes, and spray painted white.  I use this for fruits, cupcakes...and now centerpiece...

My simple supplies, minus the mason jar I have had for years...
These were purchased a couple years ago in the Target dollar bins for...you guessed it, $1.  I have no idea what possessed me to purchase them but I did and I adore them...again, the simple things...

Seems like banners are all the craze these dayz.  So, I wanted to make one of my own.  Using the string from above (purchased after Christmas at Target for the staggering price of $.17-your eyes are not deceiving you, I said SEVENTEEN CENTS).  I simply gathered my fave Valentine style Washi goodness, cut off a large strip, folded it over, and cut the bottom corners at an angle to get the "banner effect"...
You see this gem?  I purchased this out of the Target dollar bin this past holiday season for $3.  I used it for a centerpiece with battery operated lights (along with other things), but I've now found another use for it...
Ta-Dow!  I could have made my banner strand longer, but I didn't.  Eh, maybe next time.  I also purchased a cute pink bowl from the dollar bins for $3, as well as Rolo's.  I took the clothespins from above, and simply placed them in the mason jar - for fun.  And now I have something that looks like this...

All together, I spent about $6.17 on this since I had the rest of the goodies already.  I'll use them year after year because I'm a reuser, reducer, recycler.  :)  Simple, fun...and to me, a pop of pretty.  It puts a smile on my face every time I walk by it, or stare at it while I cook, or have to remove it when we have meals...you get the picture.  It's the simple things.  Create them.  Enjoy them.

That's all I've got for now.  But I'm sure I'll have a few other little projects up my sleeve over the next few weeks. Until next time...

Side Note:  I'm not editing - weird.
Side Note II:  I do NOT like Madonna, never have, never will.
Side Note III:  The Rolo's in the bowl lasted all of 4 days...I have Rolo Monsters in my house.