That being said...this year, I decided to go a different route for my planner. For many reasons, which I will explain, I've chosen a different type/style/brand. I would like to reiterate that I LOVE Erin Condren planners, they are worth the excitement when they arrive in the mail all wrapped up in pretty tissue paper in THE box. They're absolutely the cat's meow of planners. Here's my planner that I've been using for 2015, it's a beauty!!! And yes, I'm drinking coffee and eating a pumpkin bar while typing this. Delish combo, I must say.
While these planners are my favorite, I decided against purchasing one...main reason? The price. I know in my post about this planner, I mentioned that this was a splurge. I've purchased one for the last three years and never regretted it once. I also saved my pennies for them. This time around, I couldn't justify spending the almost $60 on the planner. Not to mention the one that I REALLY wanted was $75!!! Just gorgeous with rose gold spiral binding and accents...sigh, it was beautiful...but add on another almost $10 for shipping and that's close to $85, the other planners run around $50. I still think I'd be an awesome salesperson for this product. Back on track...
Why don't I just use my phone as your planner, you ask? I'm a write it down kind of girl. Not to mention, my planner will never run out of power and need to be plugged in. It'll always be at arms reach for me to refer to. EVERYBODY is different. I'm old school...literally, like 7th grade old school (anyone from my home town remembers Action Planners)...
So, #1 reason is the price. #2 reason was that I didn't find a style/design that I just fell in love with (besides the rose gold one), so I didn't want to settle for something I wouldn't love for an entire year. #3 reason was Christmas is right around the corner and I'm doing everything I can to save money and spend wisely this year. I have the tendency to get carried away with gifts when it comes to purchasing for myself...ahem, I mean my Littles...hehehe. While I value a good planner, I really felt that I could find something out there that would suit my needs and cost less.'s what I found and purchased:
I really liked this color and cover (mint and gold?!?! Yes please!!!), and the inside was alright and I convinced myself that I could make this work...the more I looked at it, the less I loved it. Sad face. The pages are VERY thin, meaning any kind of pen I'd use would most likely bleed through...needless to say...I took it back and went back on my search to find the right one. This one was $10.99, roughly 8.5"x5 3/4", purchased at Target (weird) and did I mention the cover was flimsy? I wasn't impressed but I was itching to get my 2016 planner to start filling it full of my life. Well, my search ended pretty quickly after another trip to a different Target and found this gem:
The navy blue with gold polka dots is the planner, the pink with gold polka dots is a notebook and of course I found some memo notes and tabs in the dollar bins (love me the dollar bins). The cover is thick and durable, the style is simple and uber cute, I might add. The size is roughly the 8.5"x5 3/4", just like the other one, and it set me back all of $7.99. I purchased the notebook because my last planner had a section for 'Notes', this one does as well, but I thought with all the notes I jot down, the committee meetings I attend, the lists I make (it's endless), I thought I'd benefit from having a separate notebook to haul around. Both are still smaller in size and thickness than the one planner. EC's (Erin Condren) planner is thicker and a little larger, so finding a purse/bag to fit it in had it's troubles...unless you're one of those people that's a lot like Mary Poppins and has a huge, never ending bag. Here's a glimpse of the inside:
Right inside the cover is a layout of the next 4 year...because who doesn't need to plan for a picnic in the year 2019!?! I think this is strange but they must have had a reason for this...maybe I'll find out in the next year. I'll keep you posted.
This is a month and day layout to plan your year at a glance...birthdays, know the drill.
Of course, the month at a glance...
And my fave is the week at a glance. And 5 pages for notes. I have yet to dive into the planner (I haven't had time...I need at least an hour to sit down and love on it), but I truly believe I've found my 2016 match.
Polka dots is my theme this year. The notebook will serve me well, while being cute. This set me back $2.99, and the dollar bin find set me back...hmmm...what was it??? Oh yeah, a dollar! All together I spent: $12.82.
Over the past few years, I've learned to say 'no' to a lot of things to save money. Not purchasing this planner is just one of them. Some other examples:
-I've put off purchasing these wax melty things (Scentsy) because I just can't spend the money on them. When I save up my own side money, then I'll decide if it's something I just have to have. Right now? I'm leaning towards yes, yes I do. I love having my home smell delicious!!! But, like I said, I've put it off for months and am OK with not having them...for now.
-Turning down going out to eat or going on an outing with friends or family. While it seems like a small price at the time, doing it a couple or a few times a month can add up (especially if you're all going out as a family-family of 4 in my case). I'm 100% OK with passing (graciously declining while appreciating the invite) or offering up my home for a get together. I also have no problem saying "I don't have the money right now", or even "I'm really trying to save moolah"...I've got an amazing group of friends and family that respect this.
-Having my eye on the prize...perhaps it's saving up to purchase something big or to pay off a loan of some sort. Either way, dedicating any "extra" money to achieve this goal is a huge reward in my book.
-Down sizing for gift giving. Christmas is literally 44 days away (at least that's what the sign the penguin was holding at Walmart said), so shopping has ensued (of course), so Hubs and I talked and while in the past we've set a dollar limit on spending for gifts...we never really discussed how much we'd spend on OUR, I'm terrible at finding "just the perfect gift" about 10 times each season. That adds up. This year, we've written down what we're getting and going to stick to it...stay tuned on this one. It's all about will power folks!!
So, there you have it!!! My 2016 planner!!! I'm really quite excited about it...and even had a new pack of pens in my cart...but put them back - I re-evaluated and decided that I didn't need them due to the fact that if I stood all my pens, end on end, they'd circle the earth twice...or is that plastic water bottles??? Oh, and how could I forget that I plan to use my wonderful WASHI tape AND stickers left over from my EC planner. I think I'll be set for the year!!! Have a WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY!!!
Until Next Time..
Side Note: I hate yogurt. I keep trying and trying to love it, much like hummus, but I just can't. They both gross me out.
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