Here is a spin on one of the past DIY's I did for Mother's Day. I made my Mom and my MIL little travel sewing kits:
Super cute! I made the tops more like a pin cushion for easy grabbing!!! I was in need of another gift to give for a retirement gift. I wanted to do the sewing kit, but I had an idea that used a little more WASHI TAPE!!! Here's the pix:
First of all: I'm in LOVE with the ice blue Ball Mason Jars. They are just darling and add a bit of color to anything...I have a few just sitting on a shelf in my living room because I love them so much...but full warning, when you open it up - it smells fish horrible. Yes, I'm serious.
As you can see, instead of making the top a pin cushion, I covered it with colorful Washi Tape and then put a nice large square magnet underneath for the pins. I DID hot glue the flat seal plate to the screw on top to make sure it wasn't going anywhere.
Same as before, I used the tape to home the pins. Made a homemade twisty tie out of tape and wire. Put it in a cello bag for wrapping and BAM!!! You've got a gift. Again, I did fill it with:
- Mini scissors
- Self winding tape measure
- Safety pins (small and large)
- Thread
- Headed pins
- Threading pins
- Threader
Back to the Washi Tape...(like we were talking about it...), a dear sweet friend of mine brought an amazing contraption to my attention. I keep my tape in a clear container and some on my desk. Let's recap: loves (minus my label maker)!!! My friend said she purchased hers at Costco, but you can order it online at Amazon. It's a pretty darn cool deal, AND if you spend an extra $10 you get 20 ROLLS OF TAPE!!!!! Freaking amazing!!! It's a dispenser as well as a's a dream come true!!!
Again, Costco or Amazon...LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!! Thanks MT for the heads up on this bad boy!!! I'm thinking I need a trip to Costco ASAP...anyone want to take me???
And of course, what would this blog be like without a few side notes:
-Organic Tazo chai from Target tastes different than the non-organic (is that a word?) - not bad, but I miss my yummy stuff. Target was out today so I settled for the organic...I feel healthier drinking it-no, not really.
-I'm watching The Talk on TV right now and had me laughing about a coach that was caught on camera picking his nose and eating his boogers. That's all. It was disgusting and hilarious at the same time!
-Last week, Erin Condren put out a new and improved LIFE PLANNER!!! As you all know, I'm literally obsessed with mine!!! There are some changes and more accessory options to be had. I'm partial to the simple, basic planner and sprucing it up on your own. But, I must say that the interchangeable covers and the dates/contacts booklet are the two pretty awesome changes that were made! I can't wait to order mine for 2015, but for now, I'm going to love on my sweet 2014 planner!!! Here's the link to the
Until next week my dear organizing, DIY'ing, cooking, money saving followers!!!
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